I want you to close your eyes for a moment …
Imagine you are with a small group of explorers who are lost in a vast, dark cave. You’ve wandered off the path, and now find yourselves in complete darkness, unsure of which way leads back to safety. Your situation seems hopeless and the darkness is overwhelming. Suddenly, you discover a small, flickering light emanating from a lantern left by a previous explorer. This small light, seemingly insignificant in the vastness of the cave, becomes your beacon of hope. It guides you and the rest of your team, step by step through the treacherous paths, leading you safely out of the darkness and back into the light.
Now open your eyes…
This image of a guiding light in the midst of overwhelming darkness is a powerful metaphor for our lives. In a world often clouded by confusion, despair, and uncertainty, we all seek a light to guide us through. Jesus Christ made a profound declaration:
I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life. (John 8:12)
Jesus made this declaration during the Feast of Tabernacles, which was not just a declaration of His divinity but a promise of guidance and hope in our lives. As we imagine Jesus speaking during the Feast of Tabernacles, we recall the temple courts brilliantly lit to symbolize God's guidance to the Israelites in the wilderness. It is here that Jesus proclaims Himself as the light of the world. This echoes the prophecy:
Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and you shall call his name Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14)
Just as Isaiah foretold the coming of a divine sign … a guiding light … Jesus fulfills this promise, embodying the light and presence of God with us. So now we are not alone and this gives us hope for the future.
The Bible often uses light as a metaphor for guidance and truth. In Psalm 119:105, the Psalmist describes God's word as: “A lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path." This is a timeless truth about the illuminating power of God’s Word. This Verse reminds us that God's Word has always been a source of direction and clarity for His people. Similarly, in Isaiah 9:2-3, there's a promise of a great light for those walking in darkness, a prophecy fulfilled in Christ. Through Jesus the Light, we find joy, guidance, and deliverance from the darkness of sin and despair.
During a period of turmoil for Israel, marked by threats from foreign powers and internal strife in Israel, the Book of Isaiah emerged as a beacon of hope. Isaiah 9:6-7, a cornerstone of this Prophetic Book, foretold the birth of a child upon whose shoulders governance and peace will rest … namely, Jesus Christ. This child was to be known by His divine powerful names, each reflecting a facet of His role and character.
The first title, ‘Wonderful Counselor,’ in Hebrew, ‘Pele-Yoetz,’ captures the essence of a leader who is both miraculous and wise. In times of distress, this title promised Israel a divine guide, merging the awe-inspiring ‘Pele’ with the wisdom and guidance of ‘Yoetz.’ It indicated a leader who would bring not just extraordinary guidance, but also a sense of wonder and hope amidst despair.
As ‘Mighty God,’ or ‘El Gibbor,’ Jesus Christ was prophesied to embody remarkable power and divinity. This title affirmed His dual nature as both a human leader and a divine entity, possessing God-like Omnipotence. In a period where Israel felt overpowered and vulnerable, this title offered reassurance of His ultimate strength and authority.
‘The Prince of Peace,’ or ‘Sar Shalom,’ intertwines leadership (‘Sar’) with a profound peace (‘Shalom’) … a peace signifying more than the absence of conflict. It denotes wholeness, prosperity, and well-being. This Messianic Prophecy underscored Jesus Christ's role in establishing spiritual peace, a reign that bridges the divide between humanity and God, and transforms human relationships.
‘Everlasting Father,’ or ‘Avi'ad,’ combines paternal care (‘Av’) with eternity (‘ad’), portraying Jesus as a nurturing and perpetual guardian. This title emphasized His enduring love and support, offering eternal guidance and protection, particularly resonant during a time when Israel yearned for unwavering and compassionate leadership.
In fulfilling this prophecy, Jesus Christ established a governance and peace with no end, reigning with justice and righteousness. This promise extends beyond a future hope, manifesting as a present reality for those who believe in Him. In our moments of darkness … be it confusion, fear, despair, or loneliness … we are invited to embrace the Light of Christ. He guides us into His peace as the ‘Prince of Peace,’ brings clarity and guidance as our ‘Wonderful Counselor,’ and transforms challenges into victories as our ‘Mighty God.’
Jesus Christ, acquainted with our pain and suffering, illuminates our paths during challenging times. His Name is ‘Everlasting Father.’ Jesus said. in John 14:18. that He will not leave us as orphans … He will come to us. As the Father and Jesus are One, He embodies a loving and caring fatherly figure, offering us His eternal love, protection, and care. His presence brings us comfort that we are not alone. His presence is our strength.
Dark seasons come, pain and disappointment may want to set in, but even in those times we find hope, as the Lord is trying to reveal Himself to us through our situations to show us another aspect of his glorious nature. When you give your heart to Jesus, you will still have to navigate through the challenges and uncertainties of life, but now you can take comfort in knowing that God's hand is guiding you toward His perfect plan … no matter what.
As Romans 8:28 says, “ And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” So even through our hardest trials, we can trust that God is ultimately in control, and is causing even these difficulties to work for our benefit turning everything into a blessing for us.
Although it may not always be easy, we can endure all things through the strength we receive from Christ (see Philippians 4:13). As Micah 7:8 says, “When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.” For the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” (Ephesians 5:14, NLT)
Jesus, is the Light of the world. In the midst of dark, always remember that our God is the Creator of the light. He is Light, and His Light is our hope and peace! Our hearts find true happiness in Him, for He paid the ultimate price so we can walk in His Light. Jesus, the 'I am,' is our salvation, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of everything. He is all we need. His Light is what gives us purpose in this life.
Do you feel empty, confused, broken or lost? How, then, should you respond to this Light?
· Accept Christ in your heart and allow Him to save you.
· Believe in Him with conviction!
· Confess and repent from all your sins.
· Decide to follow Christ for the rest of your life.
Christ invites you to walk in His Light, and to allow Him to guide you through your life’s’ trials and challenges. He is inviting you to receive His Light today. All you need to do is accept Him, believe in Him, confess your sins to Him, and decide to become a follower of Christ.
If you would like to receive this FREE GIFT of His Salvation, just make this simple prayer from your heart:
“Father, thank you for sending Jesus to die and resurrect for me. I accept Jesus Christ as my only Savior and Lord, and write my name in the Book of Life. I decide to believe in my heart that Jesus is alive, I confess and repent from all my sins, and I decide to follow Christ for the rest of my life. In Jesus Name, Amen!”
Now, intentionally engage with His Word and in prayer, with a child-like faith, seeking Him with hunger to know Him deeper beyond religion. Finally, surround yourself with a community that reflects His Love and Light.
Ask Jesus to become the leading Light of your life, your Savior, your Redeemer, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. And, in this new year, you will need to hold on to Jesus as your Guiding Light. In every moment of uncertainty or difficulty, always remember His promise:
"If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life."
I pray this truth will guide you in every step you take going forward, and that your heart be overwhelmed with His amazing love, peace and joy. May the Light of Christ lead you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His Light perpetually shine upon you and your family. In Jesus Name, Amen and Amen!
If you have made a decision for Christ, I would love to know about it so I can keep you in my prayers and connect you with some Godly friends. Feel free to email me
Embracing a Deeper Journey … with the Almighty I AM
Yolandita Colón